We bring to you some trending Mother’s Day 2015 ecards by 123Greetings Studio visualizers. These creative geniuses have put their heart and soul in giving moms reasons to smile and giving individuals enough ways to celebrate their moms’ contributions in their lives.
1) Happy Mother’s Day ecard by Ashupatodia

This vibrant ecard celebrates women as mothers and for all their tireless efforts. Beautiful flowers represent the beauty of the contribution they make everyday.
2) Happy Mother’s Day ecard by Mannysoriano:

This is an adorable ecard featuring a mother and child Panda. It passes on a cute warm hug while sending across wishes for a lovely day!
3) Mother’s Day> Family ecard by Ashupatodia:

This second ecard by Ashu sits in the Mother’s Day – Family section and is meant to be sent by moms to their daughters, appreciating them for the great mothers they have become. It reflects pride and appreciation.
4) Mother’s Day> Family ecard by Jothi

Here is another ecard that represents a mother-daughter relationship. Ideal for daughters to send to their moms to express what they truly mean to them.
5) Happy Mother’s Day ecard by RedHeadsRule

A soft and beautiful ecard by Gloria Williams woos the heart of users. Cassie says, “An absolutely beautiful Mother’s Day card”. Shades of lilac add to the beauty of this card.