Delightful December

December marks the beginning of the holiday season. The onset of the winter season sends Christmassy vibes all over the country. As we leap closer to the popular events of the year, it’s time to rejoice and celebrate this month full of festivals with great vigor and enthusiasm.

With so many diverse festive cheer to settle for, one can be easily overwhelmed by the oncoming of Christmas. To make this festive month grander than ever, we urge everyone to join in the celebration and take advantage of one of the biggest festivals of the year to maximize your earnings.  

Here are the popular events to keep your spirit high this festive month:

Christmas Card Day (Dec 9) – Christmas is around the corner. This day sets the mood for the upcoming Christmas festival. This day is celebrated all around the world on this day to pay tribute to the creation of this form of a greeting card.

 Hanukkah (Dec10- Dec 18) – This festival marks the celebration of lights and the eight-day celebration of the Jews. This festival reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and this holiday is celebrated with the lightening of the menorah followed by traditional foods, games and gifts.

 Christmas Carol Day (Dec 19) – Christmas Carol is a song or hymn which is traditionally sung to welcome this oncoming Christmas. There are many popular jingles which each of you can resonate to welcome this festive season and holds a special place in your heart.

 Christmas Tree Light Day (Dec 22) – This marks an important day as we all gear up for the big day decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments, decorative lights and holding vivacious parades and festal celebrations. The Christmas tree adorned with sparkling lights sets the mood for Christmas celebrations.

 Christmas (Dec 25) – Christmas is the jolliest time of the year. This day celebrates the birth of Jesus and is widely celebrated across the globe. People celebrate this day decorating the house, spending time with loved ones over a family get-together and preparing a big Christmas dinner. Christmas is the most popular festival of the month offering tremendous scope and opportunity to showcase your creativity and double your earnings. 

Dec 20- Jan 21 Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays and Holiday Thank You

With so many diverse festivals to keep you occupied this month, I’m sure that you will be equally excited to know that the three more month-long events will keep you further occupied till the beginning of next year. Celebrate the warmth and joy of this holiday season with our Happy Holidays, Season’s greetings and Holiday Thank You e-cards.

With more than a month-long event, I’m sure you are excited to spread the joy and love to our users with your innovative cards. We wish you merry times ahead and hope that together we’re able to make this delightful December, truly a one to remember!