Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

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Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby RedHeadsRule on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:35 am

Hi guys! I am not a talented enough artist to get a check every month, although I AM on the payment plan. :D I would LOVE to be able to see at a glance how close I am to receiving a payment. I know that there is a list of Canadian and American sends listed in my accounts page, but there are no running totals and I don't believe it resets itself when payment has been made. I would very much like to see how much I have earned so far or how many American/Canadian sends I have accumulated since my last payment. It seems that the total sends sent to me on my weekly summary are NOT exclusively American/Canadian sends AND when I take the time to tally all of my card sends based on what each individual card says was sent, that number doesn't match either the total OR the American/Canadian sends. I am so confused and would just like it to be simple and at a glance. Is this possible??? :?

Btw, I LOVE you guys and the work you are constantly doing! Please don't take this as a criticism! You are AWESOME!!! :D
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby studio-team on Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:52 am

Dear Gloria,

Thank you for the feature request.

We will definitely consider this suggestion and try to implement it in the near future.
In the meantime, Artists can view US and Canada sends for the month on the right panel (leaderboard) after logging into Studio. So on the last day of the month you can note the sends and assess the earnings for the month. However, this information will only be shown for the Top 10 Artists of the month.
US and Canada sends – for the current month and the past months are also mentioned on the account statement that Artists receive along with the Payment Plan letter.
The views and sends on the profile page indicate the global views and sends for all their cards.

We do understand your concerns and will do our utmost to satisfy your requirements.
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby RedHeadsRule on Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:03 pm

:? Hi! It's been well over a year since I originally requested this feature and I still haven't seen it implemented. It doesn't seem like it should be too difficult if you can provide that info for the top 10 artists, why can't everybody have access to it? I have been in the top 10 quite a bit for many months, but with all of the talented artists on 123Greetings I never take for granted that I will stay there, and if I fall below the top 10 I would really like to see how many US/Canada sends I have at any given time during the month. PLEASE? It's really important to me.

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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby Shezcal on Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:13 am

At least you got a response! lol

Perhaps a running tally for all the countries would be welcome. I am puzzled about the challenges...are they open to submissions from other countries apart from America and Canada?
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby RedHeadsRule on Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:40 pm

@ShezCal, Yes, I received a reply, but that was over a year ago. Who knows what's going on now. And the specific reason I want a running tally of American/Canadian Sends is because those are the only sends we get paid for. If you aren't in the top 10 you have no way of knowing how much money you've earned or how close you are to receiving a check. It's basic transparency that should be provided for all studio artists, not just the top 10. There is no real need to get a running tally of global sends because it doesn't really matter if a million people from the UK send your cards, but only 10,000 in the US/Canada send them, then you only get paid $100 for the 10,000 sends. Understand?

As far as where the Studio Team is and why they are not addressing issues posted here in the forum, I have no idea. It hasn't always been the case, obviously. Have you spoken with Ashton about your issues with the music? I haven't had any problems with it and I also recently transferred over to Windows 10. Obviously, you are not the only person with this issue, however, so it must be a glitch in the system somewhere that isn't affecting everyone. :( Good luck!
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby Shezcal on Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:44 pm

Thank you Gloria for your reply and clarification. I am still fairly new to 123 Greetings and still finding my way around but I absolutely agree with the issue you are addressing regarding sends, transparency. Not sure how we would know which cards are being considered for a voucher etc. presumably all the ones that are posted providing they fit the criteria (?).

As for my 2 issues, for the time being I am not adding music as I am unable to preview the song first. The other issue, Black borders around some of my images after listing, It's frustrating as I have no idea why it happens ....and happens only to some. It sure is ugly and detracts from the image.

I haven't contacted Ashton directly as i thought the forum would be the best place to post queries to raise awareness and potentially find solutions (depending if others have had similar problems).

It's disappointing that a team member hasn't responded.

All the best with your query and hope a change will come soon.
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby studio-team on Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:56 am

Dear Gloria and Sheryl,

We are currently working on this feature and hope to roll it out soon. There has been a delay due to other priorities. Thank you for your patience.

Sheryl your queries about the black border and the sound icon have been responded to via email. If there are specific issues we suggest you send an email with screenshots as the turnaround for the solution would be much faster.
For complete documentation of the Studio, please visit the Studio Wiki at Happy uploading!
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby Shezcal on Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:49 am

Thank you for your response and emails.
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby RedHeadsRule on Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:57 am

Thank you very much! Although it's been nearly 2 years since my original request for this feature and I haven't seen it implemented yet, my guess is that the answer is no. However, I would still LOVE to see a running tally of our sends whether we are in the top 10 or not. You never know. Maybe they will surprise us with this feature someday! I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D
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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby Alexandra123 on Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:49 pm

Hey i just joined 123greetings studio and i was wondering if someone could tell me about how this payment thing works please cause i cant find anything about the payment anywhere else. I read through all the comments, but i still dont understand it. :lol: :lol: :lol: . I was wondering if any of you could tell me what this American/Canadian thing is??????? Im really sorry to bother anyone at all. Also from what i understand your payment is a mystery unless you are in the top ten. I support the idea of knowing your payment progress whithout it being rellevant to wether or not you reach the top ten.

Thank You Very Much
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