Gif file sizes

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Gif file sizes

Postby BirthdaySongs on Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:51 pm

I've managed to crack most things, video editing, flv files, resizing, seo, but I am completely stuck on animated gifs. I can great a gif no problem, but can I get it under 8kb no way - does any-one know how to do this please?
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Re: Gif file sizes

Postby studio-team on Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:02 am

Dear Sophie,

Please share with us the software you are currently using to create Gif images so we can provide relevant suggestions.
For complete documentation of the Studio, please visit the Studio Wiki at Happy uploading!
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Re: Gif file sizes

Postby BirthdaySongs on Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:35 am

I use picmonkey to create 2 images in jpg format, then turn them into a gif here
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Re: Gif file sizes

Postby studio-team on Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:22 pm

Dear Sophie,

We recommend you to use Photoshop or Imageready. These softwares provide options to customize the file size of the animation. You can use the “Optimize to file size” option while saving your animations. The online tools for animation do not provide options for customization. You can also refer to our blog for more information: ... humbnails/
For complete documentation of the Studio, please visit the Studio Wiki at Happy uploading!
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Re: Gif file sizes

Postby Coeur on Thu May 28, 2015 9:42 pm

If your are talking about to get a .Gif under 8kb size i think you get trouble for your thumbs. So use "Easy Upload" method instead of advanced upload method, the system will create automaticaly a gif thumbail from your own gif.
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Re: Gif file sizes

Postby kiteflier98 on Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:12 pm

After re-reading the blog a bit and trying what I could with flash, I finally realized that what helps in reducing the file size for the animated gif were two (2) things: First, reduce the frames per second to one (1). One frame, one second. Second, reduce the colors in the document (upon saving) to as low as possible (I think I used 16, even). That made my file size just small enough to fit the parameters. There are also tools at for those who are feeling adventurous, including a .gif maker and a .gif optimizer.

I hope this helps.
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