What is Tags?

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What is Tags?

Postby xuejinjin on Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:54 pm

Why I tape any words like new year, happy etc. It always shows me that Note: All fields are required, so I cannot submit my ecard, why?
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Re: What is Tags?

Postby studio-team on Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:49 am

Dear xuejinjin,

Thank you for your question. Tags are important along with the ecard as it improves the search for your ecard. Putting tags like "Happy Birthday wishes" for a birthday ecard would help a user find your ecard when he types "Happy Birthday Wishes" on the search bar on our website. Therefore, tags are required so that it improves the search of your ecard.
For complete documentation of the Studio, please visit the Studio Wiki at http://studio.123greetings.com/wiki/. Happy uploading!
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