Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

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Re: Could we have a running tally of AMERICAN/CANADIAN sends?

Postby RedHeadsRule on Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:50 pm

Hi, and welcome! I am Gloria, aka RedHeadsRule. I feel rather stupid, but it's been a few years since I was on the "Reward Plan", which is the plan you are on when you first join up. I don't recall all of the details, but did find this link that should help you: ... ticipation Hopefully it's up to date. I didn't read through it. What I can tell you is that generally once you win a reward, or whenever the Studio Team decides you are ready, you should get invited to be a part of the "Monthly Payment Plan". It USED to be that we were then paid based only on unique sends from the U.S and Canada. That is why it was so important to know how many US/Canada sends we had. They have since included 50% of the sends made from the rest of the world (ROW sends). That was a very nice plus for us! Once on the Payment Plan you get paid $100/10,000 UNIQUE sends. That means that if the same person send a single card numerous times, they only count that as a single send. If, however, a single person sends several different cards, they count a send for each card sent by that person. I hope I didn't make that sound too complicated. Also, they don't send payment to you if you have earned less than $100 in that month. You don't lose the money, they just hold it until the month comes that you have accumulated at least 10,000 sends, or $100. If you have any other questions, you can email the Studio Team by replying to one of the emails they send when you submit a card, or you can email me at I'd be glad to help in any way that I can, although I am not a studio member. I am just a fellow artist like yourself, but I've been around here for going on 3 years now. :D Good luck!
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